What if my mother never protested
was never pro
anything never probed beyond
the small yard where
the bees lived with their constant
buzzing what if my
mother matched the bees in their
compliant striped
dresses minding their own business
afraid to wander too
far from the work that paid honey
afraid to wander too far
from the one queen they served
but maybe the bees
are not just working maybe the
bees make all that
noise because they are hiding things
because they don’t like
where they live are really livid not
timid not just little
serfs in striped furs maybe the bees
are not protégés to
one dictator but actually protesting
maybe the bees are
meeting each night in secret chambers
about the queen and
trying to make change to overthrow
her because she eats
all the royal jelly what if all I do is
have parties what if
I don’t do anything let others do
everything like my
mother who came to this country at
20 afraid to do
anything because she was finally free
what if we all do
nothing drink tea while filling our
notebooks like the
secretary bird with its long neck and
pen-like feathers fill the
sky with ideas ideations of ideas full of
ideology full of idiocy
that no one even reads one day the
moon will turn off
with a click like a light switch someone
pulls in a prison
we won’t be able to see the ideas anymore
our eyes won’t ever
adjust to the lack of light but in our ears
the bees will keep
screaming and we can only imagine
them disappearing