
Submitting Work to ZYZZYVA

We accept submissions of previously unpublished fiction, poetry, essays, and artwork.

ZYZZYVA is currently open for submissions. Our address is:

57 Post Street, Suite 902
San Francisco, CA 94104

Please note: We do not accept any online submissions.


Please submit only one story or one nonfiction piece at a time, and no more than five poems at a time. You may submit work as many times as you wish, but we ask that you wait to hear back from us before submitting further work for consideration. There is no maximum page count for submissions; that said, reading recent issues is perhaps the best way to develop a sense for the length and quality we are looking for in submissions. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for a reply, and be sure to include all your contact information, including phone number and e-mail address. We do accept simultaneous submissions, though we certainly appreciate the courtesy of exclusive submissions. Please do let us know immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere.


If you are submitting artwork, please mail us scans on disc or copies on paper. We are happy to consider original artwork in black and white and in color. Please do not submit photos of sculpture or performances. Include all caption information for each piece: title, year, medium, dimensions, and any relevant ‘courtesy of’ information (e.g., gallery, etc.).