National Poetry Month: In Love With a Woman

Lady Nestor Gomez

To celebrate National Poetry Month, we’ll be sharing a poem a week from our archives. The following poem, “In Love With a Woman” by Lady Nestor Gomez, is from the Golden State Bundle‘s Bay Area Issue. You can read more poetry by Lady Nestor Gomez in the issue itself, which is currently available as part of our Golden State Bundle.

I should die in miscommunication

breed fantasies unregulated, losses innumerable

Mejor hablar español

o componerme en nahuat

I could speak and not offend

I would stop a symphony

and find closure

erase bus stops

and listen to my sister, the violent rain

waiting for your seven days

This isn’t a poem of love

or hate

but our days traveling in gray sand

black night beaches and post-birthdays

to speak to you

I could hide and not love

die in anonymity

vanish in the ’80s with the rest of my ghosts

but I can’t stop searching engines for your name

our last two hours in memory always remain

one, two, three feels like love

a tree broke that morning


and fell onto the road

Lady Nestor Gomez is editor-at-large at Asymptote Journal and a translator of Salvadoran literature, and lives in Concord, California.

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