Be a Sponsor. Give a Gift of $35 This Week.
UPDATE (7/16/2020, 10:23 a.m. PT): We’ve reached our goals! Thank you to everybody for your enthusiastic support! If you would still like to contribute to our fundraiser, we’ll keep this page up through Sunday. And we will thank on our website and in our Fall issue every person who makes a contribution of $35 or more this week. Our deepest gratitude!
UPDATE (7/14/2020, 11:03 p.m. PT): Good news! In just two days, we’ve reached 100 Sponsors! And now we ask for your help reaching a new goal, made possible by a generous donor: If 35 more people join us as Sponsors by donating $35 each by Sunday, we will receive a gift of $3,500. All Sponsors will be thanked on our website and in our Fall Issue. Thank you all for helping us make the most of this match offer. We are deeply grateful for your enthusiastic support.
UPDATE (7/13/2020, 1:16 p.m. PT): Thank you for your immense support! We’ve reached the $3,500 mark in a matter of hours! We’re elated and grateful. But we’re still short of our goal of 100 Sponsors. This year will be one of great challenges for us, so every dollar we can raise now will matter greatly in the months ahead. Will you consider being one of the 100 people to become a ZYZZYVA Sponsor with a gift of $35 this week?
This has been a year of unprecedented challenges for all of us. For ZYZZYVA, it has meant, among other things, that our annual June fundraiser can’t happen. That’s an especially big loss for us, not just in terms of funding but also in terms of fostering community, as we were looking forward to celebrating our 35th anniversary with you.
So instead of holding an in-person celebration and fundraiser, we are asking that 100 people donate $35 each in honor of our anniversary. Think of it as a one-dollar show of appreciation for each year we’ve been publishing the best in contemporary literature while also supporting the literary community, locally and widely, through events, workshops, and through our website, which highlights work that might not otherwise receive attention through book reviews and author Q&As.
Think of it as one dollar for every year in which, as SFWeekly noted, we’ve worked hard to make ZYZZYVA the “crown-jewel literary journal” of San Francisco.
Every person who gives a gift of $35 will be thanked and acknowledged as a Sponsor in our next print issue and on our website.
And each of you will have our warmest affection for being there for us in this universally difficult time.
(Of course, if you’d like to contribute more, we’d welcome that, too.)
Thank you for your support.